
Maths: Curriculum Principles

Our Maths curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Maths National Curriculum. The aims of our Maths curriculum are to develop pupils’ ability to think mathematically to understand the world we live in. The curriculum develops conceptual understanding via fluency, reasoning and problem solving using concrete, pictorial and abstract forms. 

Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.

The Teaching of Maths across the Key Stages


Children are taught Maths with support from the White Rose Maths programme. 


Children are taught Maths with support from the White Rose Maths programme. 


Pupils are taught Maths lessons with support from the White Rose Maths programme where topics will be interleaved to ensure that students retain and revisit learning.

Maths Long Term Plans: