
Referral FAQs

What is a referral to Manchester Hospital School and who can make one?

A referral is a way of letting MHS know that you are concerned about a child or young person who is struggling to/unable to attend their usual school because of physical or mental ill-health or both.

Referrals usually come from the child’s home school but referrals from professionals and parents will also be considered.

How do I make an referral?

You can make a referral by filling in the relevant referral form

What key information is required on the form?

  • Consent from the young person and their parents/carers
  • Support from a medical professional
  • An Early Help Assessment must have been completed
  • As much background information as possible, including reports and assessments if available. Information regarding how the school has used the Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA) Guidance (previously known as the Anxiety Based School Avoidance Guidance). Emotional Barriers to School Attendance is a term used to describe children and young people who have severe difficulty in attending school due to emotional factors, often resulting in prolonged absences from school.

Manchester Local Authority, have worked with parents and carers of young people with EBSA, as well as One Education Educational Psychology Service and other services to produce the following guidance: The purpose of this guidance is to support schools and other services to use evidence-based practice to encourage young people to improve their attendance in school.

When I have completed the form, who will review it?

Our business team will ensure all the information is correct on the form, then it will be presented to the next multi-agency panel. Our outreach team may contact you if further clarification is necessary.

How long does the referral process take?

This can vary, depending on when the form is submitted. The panel meets regularly to consider applications.

What happens if the applications are not successful?

We will write to the individual who completed the form to inform them of our decision and the reason for this. We will usually offer advice, guidance or support to the pupil’s home school.

What if there is no medical professional involved with the pupil?

All applications must be supported by a medical professional.

Who do we contact if we still have questions?

Please contact in the first instance

Advice and Guidance

Advice, guidance and signposting can be provided by staff at Manchester Hospital School for schools when they are supporting a child with medical or mental health needs to attend school. If you would like to request advice, guidance and signposting, please email

Leo Kelly School FAQs

Can we visit the Leo Kelly School?

Requests to visit Leo Kelly School should be made through

How do pupils get to and from Leo Kelly School?

Students get to and from Leo Kelly School one of the following ways:

  • Independent travel
  • Parents/carers transport the young person
  • The student’s home school pays for transport and Manchester City Council arranges transport

Is there a cost to attend Leo Kelly School?

If the multi-agency panel offers a place to a pupil who is a Manchester City Council resident there is no cost to the pupil’s school, however the school will be asked to pay for transport, if it’s required.

Does the pupil need an EHCP to attend Leo Kelly?

No. Leo Kelly School is a short-tem provision, not a long-term alternative to a mainstream or specialist school placement.