We provide education for school aged children and young people from all over the UK, who are staying in Manchester and undergoing Proton Beam Therapy at the Proton Beam Therapy centre at The Christie.
We have a classroom in the Christie so children and young people receiving treatment can continue their education during their time there.
Children and young people can continue their education by working with our teachers in the classroom or asking for support and guidance on work which has been completed at an alternative time. This positive approach contributes to ensuring they are not unduly disadvantaged by their time in hospital by entirely missing out on education, if they are well enough to engage with it.
Information For Parents
- We will work with you and your child’s school to deliver a curriculum which meets their individual needs and supports their wellbeing.
- There is a parent waiting area whilst your child is in school.
- School is open each day between 10:00am and 3.30pm.
- Please ask the school’s site lead for a timetable.
- Morning sessions focus on personal development and afternoon sessions support the pupils’ home school curriculum. Please see the ‘Teaching at the Christie’ tab for more information.
If you have had to relocate your family to Manchester and the siblings of children undergoing treatment are missing their education we will endeavor to support them. Please speak to the teacher in the classroom about how we can support this.
Whilst you are in Manchester we can also provide services and resources such as:
- Access to iPads, laptops and online learning resources
- A quiet space for independent work
- Teacher guidance for independent learners
- Reading books
For any further information or any queries please contact the Manchester Hospital School on 0161 509 2368 or email info@hospitalschool.manchester.sch.uk
Information For Home Schools
- Children and young people come to the Christie as part of a planned admission process.
- They are usually with us for six weeks.
- As soon as you know your pupil is coming to the Christie please get in touch. We do not always get the child’s school name immediately and the sooner we have contact the more effective the provision will be.
- We will contact you after speaking to the pupils parent or carer. Please look out for this communication.
- We will ask for information relating to EHCP and SEN, attendance, reading ages, assessment and progress data and safeguarding information.
- We will ask you to send work for the pupil via a google classroom account which is set up by us. More information on this will be shared with you in the initial communication, however please be expected to provide challenging work which matches the pupils’ school curriculum offer and that will last for the 6 weeks of treatment. This can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or to cover the 6 weeks of admission.
- You can access this work, mark it and give feedback via the google classroom.
- For further information please contact us on 0161 509 2368 or email info@hospitalschool.manchester.sch.uk
Teaching at The Christie
- Learning can take place in our school classroom during the course of the 6 week treatment.
- On admission, an ‘About Me profile‘ is completed to gain an understanding of the pupil’s needs and interests.
- We work closely with the home school, parents and medical professionals to gather information relevant to the individual to enable a successful transition into The Christie School.
- Morning sessions consist of engaging, practical, project based learning for all pupils. Pupils can also use the morning session to work independently on their home school work
- The afternoon sessions consist of our specialist teachers facilitating school work which is sent to us by the child’s school. There is a different subject specialist timetabled each day.
- We will aim to support learning where ever possible. If a pupil completes learning outside of our school they are welcome to share this work with us, during school hours, for guidance and support.
- Pupils can also access our independent learning and reading which is available on the independent learning tab on our website.
- Pupils can watch or listen to our staff read age appropriate stories. This is accessed on our website through the Parent tab and scroll to the Bedtime Stories menu.