

The information in this section is for the academic year 2024/2025.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum please contact our main reception on 0161 509 2368 to speak to Ruth Sheard-Pearson.

Core purpose

The core purpose of our school is to enable pupils to access their entitlement to be educated in line with Article 28 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child. 


Manchester Hospital School provides education across 7 provisions across the city. From Early Years to post 16, we provide education for pupils from schools within Manchester, nationally and internationally. We also provide education for pupils who have not attended a school setting for long periods of time. 

Our sites consist of:

Leo Kelly School

The School at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Galaxy House


The Christie

North Manchester General Hospital

Curriculum Design

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure our pupils have the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge relevant to them as individuals whilst maintaining an enthusiasm for learning.

We have used research conducted by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to inform our choices around intervention, curriculum and assessment. We review the impact of chosen strategies through our quality assurance and monitoring process.

We have used research around cognitive science to inform our teaching approach and have developed a teaching model based on the theory of Rosenshine’s principle of instruction.

Curriculum Principles


To be a beacon of excellence, providing high quality education which enables children and young people with medical and mental health needs to achieve and experience success. 


The curriculum principles underpin the pupils’ academic and personal learning journey enabling them to succeed despite their medical condition and SEND.

Aspiration: We encourage our pupils to aspire to achieve their potential.

Resilience: We develop pupils’ ability to overcome challenges.

Equality and diversity: We build a culture of empathy and respect.

Feeling safe: We create an environment where pupils feel able to talk to adults and share worries or concerns.


Manchester Hospital School offers a broad and balanced curriculum which prioritises teaching the relevant knowledge and skills within the statutory frameworks for Early Years to post 16. Our curriculum is tailored to the individual, taking into consideration pupils’ SEND and medical needs while also maintaining aspiration and ambition for all learners.


We work with medical professionals and home schools to ensure the implementation of the curriculum is reflective of the needs of the pupil. The outcomes of baseline assessments on admission inform teaching to develop pupils’ understanding of key concepts by building knowledge and skills. Using our teaching model, based on Rosenshine’s principles, we enable pupils to transfer key knowledge to long term memory while identifying pupil misconceptions and gaps in knowledge. 


The progress that pupils make progress enables them to prepare for future learning and employment whilst developing their confidence, resilience and independence.

Teaching at different sites:

The information below explains how we teach pupils at each of our sites

The School at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Leo Kelly School

The School at the Christie

HIVE (Home and Innovative Virtual Education)

The School at Galaxy House

Wythenshawe and North Manchester General Hospital

Curriculum 2024 – 2025

THRIVE stands for Thinking, Health, Relationships, Independence, Values and Expression and includes PSHE, RSHE, PE, Drama, Music & Art.

Global includes History, Geography, RE & Languages

Science includes Science, Computing & Animal Care

If you would like to know more about our curriculum please contact our main reception on 0161 509 2368 to speak to Ruth Sheard-Pearson.

Independent Learning