
Advice and Guidance

Advice, guidance and signposting can be provided by staff at Manchester Hospital School for schools when they are supporting a child with medical or mental health needs to attend school.

If you would like to request advice, guidance and signposting, please complete the referral form here and email to

Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA)

Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people who have severe difficulty in attending school due to emotional factors, often resulting in prolonged absences from school.

Manchester Local Authority, have worked with parents and carers of young people with EBSA, as well as One Education Educational Psychology Service and other services to produce the following guidance:

 EBSA Guidance 

 EBSA flowchart

The purpose of this guidance is to support schools and other services to use evidence-based practice to encourage young people to improve their attendance in school.

It is expected that schools will follow this guidance when supporting pupils with emotional based school-none avoidance.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

We have created the following resource to help schools to best support their pupils with medical needs:

Download Schools Support Pack for Pupils with Medical Needs