
RMCH Curriculum Information

In our hospital settings, we teach children once they have been in hospital for five days or more. We teach rising fives to 18. If we are informed they are in hospital, we teach pupils aged 16-18 who have been admitted to Manchester Royal Infirmary. Most children at Wythenshawe are in hospital for five days or less. Where there is a planned long stay admission, such as at the Christie, they are taught from day one and, where there are recurrent admissions, children are taught on an ongoing basis.

At RMCH and Wythenshawe, children may be taught at the bedside or in a classroom on the ward. At the Christie, all pupils are taught in the schoolroom and can access learning as part of their treatment regime.

Most children receive a minimum core offer of five sessions a week. This will be depending on how long the pupil has been in hospital and their medical needs.


In the Early Years, our curriculum focuses on the following principles:

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers; and
  • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.
  • The Early Years curriculum focuses on early reading and phonics and number. We use our Learning Means the World curriculum to ensure primea areas of learning have a specific focus whilst using the specific areas of learning to teach a wide curriculum.


We teach english and maths to all pupils and all other subjects are taught through our Learning Means the World curriculum.

The primary curriculum is immersive, progressive and flexible to meet the varying needs of our pupils. We use a carefully planned model, with both breadth and depth, that is highly relevant and purposeful and is exciting for both staff, and pupils for the time they are educated at the school, be that long or short. It is a curriculum that broadens pupils’ outlook and views by promoting global perspectives, as well as raising aspirations. The ‘Learning Means the World’ Curriculum provides a great vehicle to help teachers focus on learning that is meaningful and relevant, enabling them to connect skills and concepts naturally, given that pupils may only access the material for a relatively short time.


We teach core subjects to our secondary age pupils and also plan a bespoke timetable of learning based on what pupils would be learning at their home school. We ensure that pupils in KS4 are able to continue learning for their options