
Science: Curriculum Principles

Our Science curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Science National Curriculum.

The aims of our Science curriculum are to develop an understanding of the three disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics which contain the fundamental ideas, principles, and processes that all science is based on. The Science curriculum builds knowledge which allows pupils to become responsible citizens, aware of ecology, health, energy, human activity and ethical practice in scientific discovery and technological development. Whilst learning this disciplinary knowledge pupils work scientifically to increase their skill-set as they move through the curriculum.

Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.

Teaching Science Across the Key Stages

Computing: Curriculum Principles

Our Computing curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the Computing National Curriculum. The aims of our Computing curriculum are to develop an understanding of digital literacy, computational thinking, hardware and networks and e-safety which contain the fundamental ideas, principles, and processes that Computing is based on. The curriculum builds knowledge which allows pupils to become responsible citizens, aware of their digital presence and respectful of themselves and others as well as competent users of technology with the skills to use ICT both creatively and practically to share ideas, information and problem solve.

Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.

Teaching Computing Across the Key Stages


We teach Computing through cross-curricular themes which are centred around the National Curriculum objectives and programmes of study.


Pupils are taught Computing through a curriculum which includes project based units focusing on different areas of knowledge and skills. Where possible pupils are engaged in both practical and theoretical learning.

Animal Care: Curriculum Principles

Our Animal Care curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills within the KS4 BTEC Tech Award specification. The aims of our Animal Care curriculum are to develop an understanding of housing, feeding, general care and biology of animals. The curriculum builds knowledge which allows pupils to become informed and responsible individuals enabling them to look after a living creature. 

Pupils in our school are at different points in their learning journey therefore our curriculum is designed to focus on the development of key skills and knowledge, building on prior learning, appropriate to the individual learner.

Teaching Animal Care across the key stages


Pupils are taught Animal Care through a curriculum that incorporates theory and practical work focussing on building knowledge and skills in 3 themed units.